Here I will provide some sites that I found while browsing the internet.
Beware, some are shocking, then don't tell me I didn't warn you.
Weird websites for fun
old websites / classics
my 90s tv: watch a 90s tv on a virtual television with a remote.
planetary hq:Mostly pictures of rock formations that turn out to be REAL ALIENS AND ANGELS. Most people are going to think this site is repellant ranting. But I kind of get inspired when I read a perspective that is so different that it feels surreal or fictional. What it would be to see all of these dramas and prophesies in the world.
faces of suicide: page set up to remember those who have commited suicide.
bananahackers: hacker stuffs.
mwyerweb:The beautiful personal and professional site of Eric Meyer. He's a web designer, and the site has been around since 1999. It's beautifully designed, and his writing is excellent - the articles on CSS are a real treat, as are the smalll tools he has designed and published.
six eyes: a cute personal website.
street art:Wikimedia collection of street art, some good pieces on here.
one thing:Sometime around the 2000s, some person called THC started to archive and mirror websites that were hacked. Big shout out to such mad lads as \\StOrM\\, Power Through Resistance, H4G1S, Circle of Deception, No|d Crew who all hacked into some sort of government body or the like.
annarchive:Collection of historical games media and DOS shareware.
anti-illuminaty: an anti-illuminaty parody website.
dead journal:is a journal site of edgier teenages.
dissolvedgirl: Sol Pais homepage (inspiration).
library of babel:A complete dictionary collection of every possible written English page.
unsolved mysteries: a site abt mysteries.
columbine guide: a full deatiled information of columbine case.
other weirdo suffs
time travel: do you believe in time travel? a website about conspiracy theories and spirituality.
anti-limp bizkit: a anti limp bizkit website lol..
acolumbine site: good site to know details of the Columbine case.
heavensgate: site based around a cult.
this man: even dream this man?
death date: Find out when you'll die.
homicide monitor: literally a homicide monitor.
sentimentalcorp: some anarchist satanist stuff.
The Jonestown Mass Suicide Death Tape
exitmundi:ways for this world of ours to end.